Podcast Sone & Solche
Melanin Matters II
In the second part of our "Melanin Matters" Podcast episode we discuss the connections between skin tone and class, the connections between skin tone and gender as well as how the skin of our researchers influences their work.
Friederike Brinker
Melanin Matters - a photography workshop in Lagos, Nigeria
Glimpses at Coloristic Human Differentiation
From 29 October to 5 November, the CRC 1482 Human Differentiation, the Goethe-Institut Nigeria and the Nlele Institute jointly organised a photography workshop on skin and skin tones. Throughout the workshop, participants explored how we perceive and think about skin and skin tones and how photography can influence these perceptions. During the week-long workshop, participants also had time to develop their own photography projects, some of which will be discussed in this post.
Marion Grimberg
Making Sense of Emerging Categories in Life's Key Transitions: Tau's Journey
Migration is often seen through the lens of borders, national policies, and demographic statistics, but less attention is given to the lived experiences of migrants as they navigate these realities.
Heike Drotbohm
Podcast Sone & Solche
Melanin Matters – Skin tone differentiation in Lagos, Nigeria (Part 1)
In November 2024, PhD student Marion Grimberg and podcast host Friederike Brinker travelled to Lagos, Nigeria, to talk about skin tone differentiation. We also recorded a podcast episode during our workshop for wome*n called “Living in your own skin”. For the podcast we conducted our usual interview with a scientist (in this case: three scientists), and also included shorter interviews with workshop participants who shared their personal experiences with skin tone differentiation.
Friederike Brinker
Podcast Sone & Solche
Language in Rwanda and the Great Lakes Region: Linguistics, Politics and Identity
Kinyarwanda is a complex language, not only because of its structure but also due to its history and variation across borders. Spoken by at least 20 million people, it is the second-most widely spoken language in the Bantu family. Linguists Nico Nassenstein and John Doldo IV are interested in this language, which serves as a good illustration of how linguistic variation is connected to history, politics and identity.
Friederike Brinker
Podcast Sone & Solche
Albinismus – Erfahrungen und Perspektiven aus Ethnologie und Linguistik
Bei Albinismus denken viele von uns zunächst an sehr helle Haut und Haare. Aber wusstet ihr, dass Menschen mit Albinismus meist auch noch eine Sehbehinderung haben? Und dass es viele verschiedene Formen von Albinismus gibt?
Friederike Brinker
Podcast Sone & Solche
Wie Freiwillige in Brasilien Hunger begegnen
Elena Reichl forschte von Januar 2022 bis März 2023 in São Paulo und Curitiba in Brasilien, unter anderem während der Präsidentschaftswahl, die der linke Politiker Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (Lula) knapp gegen den bis dahin regierenden Rechtspopulisten Jair Bolsonaro gewann. Soziale Ungleichheiten wurden durch die gekürzte Sozialpolitik Bolsonaros und die anhaltende pandemische Situation zusätzlich verschärft.
Friederike Brinker
Podcast Sone & Solche
Geben und Nehmen: Wer erhält Unterstützung und wer leistet sie?
Was ist der Zusammenhang zwischen Care oder Sorgearbeit, sozialer Ungleichheit und Macht? Wer erhält Unterstützung und wer leistet sie? Und inwieweit beeinflussen politische Spannungen in Brasilien die Frage, wem geholfen werden sollte?
Friederike Brinker