Hier finden Sie aktuelle Beiträge aus allen Bereichen des SFB 1482 Humandifferenzierung. 

Podcast Sone/Solche
Von Lifestyle bis Aktivismus. Humandifferenzierung in Zeitschriften, Indie-Magazinen und Zines
Dr. Sabina Fazli ist Zeitschriftenforscherin und beschäftigt sich mit der Frage: wie werden Menschen durch Zeitschriften unterschieden? Schon die Platzierung im Geschäft sagt etwas darüber aus, wie man sich die Leserin oder den Leser vorstellt. Und indem wir eine Zeitschrift auf den Wohnzimmertisch legen, zeigen wir unseren Gästen wer wir sind und wofür wir uns interessieren.
3. Oktober 2024
Call for Applications
Spring School 2025
This year’s spring school pays specific attention to the processes of differentiation and categorization and traces them along different axes, such as dis/ability, gender, sexuality, race, religion, age, class, or human/non-human (such as animals or machines). By taking the temporal variability of processes of differentiation into account, we ask: how is difference textured, diluted, and performed? The spring school thus ties into a variety of contexts and relates to different fields, such as spatial planning, the formation of institutions, verbal and non-verbal communication, technology, diverse forms of representation, and other cultural practices.
3. Oktober 2024
Podcast Sone/Solche
Language in Rwanda and the Great Lakes Region: Linguistics, Politics and Identity
Kinyarwanda is a complex language, not only because of its structure but also due to its history and variation across borders. Spoken by at least 20 million people, it is the second-most widely spoken language in the Bantu family. Linguists Nico Nassenstein and John Doldo IV are interested in this language, which serves as a good illustration of how linguistic variation is connected to history, politics and identity.
3. Oktober 2024