Call for Papers

Sorting and Translating: Politics – Borders – Belonging

27. July 2024

Conference: January 30th to February 1st 2025
Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies University of Mainz (Germersheim)
Application Deadline: June 30th 2024

This conference looks at translation as a practice of doing and undoing of differences between human beings. Translation not only distinguishes between languages and ‚their‘ speakers. While doing so, other categories of belonging come into play: nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion,
dis/ability, and many others more can become relevant and interact with this distinction. How and when does this happen?
How does translation differentiate between human beings in different situations and social fields (such as politics, science, law, religion, art etc.)? The conference welcomes contributions by any scholar and discipline interested in the power of translation to produce differences.