Prof. Dr. Sascha Dickel

Principal Investigator | Human Limits and Infrastructures

My sociological research is dedicated to the question of how society is reconfigured under mediatized conditions and which new sociotechnical options for action and communication result from this reconfiguration. I am interested in the conditions and consequences of digital technologies as well as basic questions of social theory. My empirical projects are typically inter- and transdisciplinary. The methodological focus of my work is on interpretative social research.

Since 2021, I have been a full professor of sociology of media and theory of society at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. My international research and teaching activities have taken me to Cardiff, Washington, and Vienna. I have worked as a research associate at TU Munich and TU Darmstadt, among others. Since earning my PhD at Bielefeld University in 2010 on utopias of human enhancement, I have been interested in transhumanist futures. I am now taking up this research interest again in the Collaborative Research Center 1482 “Studies in Human Differentiation” as PI of Project C06: “Posthuman Dedifferentiation? The Technological Enhancement of Human Bodies.”

Foto: Stephanie Füssenich