Call for Applications
Spring School 2025
Focusing on the role of differentiation and its significance for lived experience, the Collaborative Research Center 1482 “Studies in Human Differentiation” [Humandifferenzierung] invites you to apply for a spring school at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany in April 2025.
This year’s spring school pays specific attention to the processes of differentiation and categorization and traces them along different axes, such as dis/ability, gender, sexuality, race, religion, age, class, or human/non-human (such as animals or machines). By taking the temporal variability of processes of differentiation into account, we ask: how is difference textured, diluted, and performed? The spring school thus ties into a variety of contexts and relates to different fields, such as spatial planning, the formation of institutions, verbal and non-verbal communication, technology, diverse forms of representation, and other cultural practices.
Drawing from a wide range of disciplines, the spring school provides an innovative and interdisciplinary environment, based on the input and experiences of the scholars of the Collaborative Research Centre at Mainz as well as international speakers and, most importantly, the presence of international doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. The program not only offers focused workshops and keynotes by renowned speakers from different disciplines but also provides the chance for self-directed writing retreats as well as an inspiring leisure program in the vibrant student city of Mainz.
You can find the call and all necessary information on our "event" page.