Multiple Differenzierungen – multiple Zugehörigkeiten. Konzeptuelle Verhältnisbestimmungen der Humandifferenzierung
Stefan Hirschauer
Part of the special volume “Differentiation and Integration. On the differentiation of differentiation theory” of ‘ZTS’.
The classic questions of differentiation theory remain in the face of global crises and interactions - but they require new approaches in order to open up valuable perspectives. The contributors to this volume highlight two trends in this regard: the the favoring of the assumption of multiple differentiation and a turn towards empirical research approaches. They discuss the concept of unity, the debate about the primacy of the form of differentiation and the irreconcilability of differentiation and inequality research and inequality research - and they provide innovative alternatives to the concept of integration.
Hirschauer, Stefan 2024: Multiple Differenzierungen – multiple Zugehörigkeiten. Konzeptuelle Verhältnisbestimmungen der Humandifferenzierung. In: Marc Mölders/Joachim Renn/Jasmin Siri (Hg.): Differenzierung und Integration. Zur Ausdifferenzierung der Differenzierungstheorie. Beltz Juventa.