Manuela Schips

Project Management

As a dedicated project manager in the Central Team of the CRC 1842, I am responsible for the efficient administration of personnel and project funds. My daily work is characterised by precision, number acrobatics and a richness of facts. My heart beats for the creation of Access databases and the development of customised Excel tools, because they give me a lightning-fast overview of all information.

These digital helpers guarantee that I always have up-to-date information on the status of third-party funds. In addition, I make a significant contribution to the smooth organisation of the work processes in our team. My focus here is on constant optimisation and flexible adaptation to evolving requirements.

My primary goal is to make the administration of third-party funds and the processing of all tasks more efficient at all times. The Collaborative Research Centre was particularly appealing to me because it offers me the opportunity to take my database and Excel skills to a new level and challenge the scalability of my organisational structures.

True to my motto of always striving for the optimum, I am excited every day to continuously develop and deepen my skills.

Foto: Stephanie Füssenich